Key Factors with AC Filters

August is a good time to discuss your air conditioning filters here in Georgetown, TX. They strain out dust, pet hair, and other contaminants, using the regular cycle of your air conditioners to keep your home’s air as free of contaminants as possible. Your AC system should be maintained once or twice a year by trained professionals, and generally speaking, it’s not a good idea to attempt any maintenance yourself. Formal licensing is required to handle refrigerant (which can be very dangerous) and formal training is needed to understand the inner workings of every air conditioning system. That doesn’t mean you can’t contribute to your system’s upkeep, however: mostly by changing the filters every 2–3 months. You can purchase new filters at any local home improvement center, and replacement is usually as easy as loosening a few clasps, sliding the old unit out and sliding a new one in. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when changing air filters.

Some Households Need More Frequent Changes

We say that you should change the air filters every 2–3 months and for many homes that will do. But more vulnerable homes should be prepared to change their filters more often: once a month or so. Such households can include:

  • Homes with pets, who can shed hair and spread dander through the air.
  • Houses with sensitive family members, such as infants, the elderly, and people with conditions such as asthma.
  • Homes with family members who work outdoors or regularly engage in outdoor activities like gardening.

High MERV Ratings Matter

MERV stands for minimum efficiency reporting value, and it measures the filter efficiency with a number (usually between 1 and 16). The higher the number the more effective the filter, which means you should look for the filter with the highest MERV rating you can afford.

Call Intelligent Air Services today for quality AC maintenance!

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