Air Filters vs. Air Purifiers: Understanding the Differences and Complementary Benefits

With the increasing concern for indoor air quality, many homeowners are considering investing in air filtration or purification systems. However, understanding the differences between air filters and air purifiers can be confusing. In this blog post, we will delve into the nuances of these two systems and explore their complementary benefits. By the end, you’ll…

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Installing UV Air Sanitizers in HVAC Systems: Enhancing Whole-House Air Quality

In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of indoor air quality and its impact on our health and well-being. Poor indoor air quality can lead to various health issues, including allergies, respiratory problems, and even long-term health complications. Thankfully, advancements in technology have introduced innovative solutions to tackle this problem,…

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Indoor Air Quality & Respiratory Health

As an HVAC company dedicated to providing top-notch services in Austin, TX, Intelligent Air Services, LLC (iAir) understands the importance of maintaining excellent indoor air quality (IAQ) for the well-being of our customers. In this comprehensive guide, we will share practical tips and insights to help you improve your respiratory health by addressing common IAQ issues. UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF…

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HVAC Tips for Pet Owners

As a pet owner, you want to make sure your furry friend is comfortable year-round. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable HVAC system. Even though our pets are considered part of the family, their fur and dander can impact on your home’s indoor air quality and HVAC system. In this blog, Intelligent Air…

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What is Floating Around Your Home?

When we think of pollutants, we typically think of outdoor pollution, but indoor air quality is just as crucial to our everyday lives. The quality of the air you breathe inside your home is critical for good health. As most of us are still spending a significant amount of time inside our homes, the air…

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Is Duct Sealing Beneficial at All?

Unless you live in an older home that doesn’t have any ductwork, you rely daily on the unseen air channels set into the walls and ceilings of your house. Because you can’t see these air ducts, it’s easy for you to forget about them and believe they’ll just take care of themselves. The suggestion of duct…

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UV Air Purifier Against Cold and Flu Season

There are many reasons to enjoy the fall and winter seasons, especially since Austin doesn’t have to suffer through the intense cold weather of many other parts of the country. But even in our milder weather, we can’t escape the effects of the cold and flu season. Flu shots and other medications are recommended to…

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Not Just Any Filters Will Do! Why Air Filter Strength Matters

Low indoor air quality is an endemic problem around the country. As more homeowners become aware of the problem, they want to find solutions. Unfortunately, these “solutions” often involve purchasing expensive filters and air purifiers that don’t actually do the job they need from them. If you are looking to improve your home’s indoor air quality…

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