Furnace Repair Issues Can Be Detected Now

Winter arrives slowly in the Austin area, and even at its worst, it doesn’t get nearly as cold in our neck of the woods as it does further north. Nevertheless, we need our heating systems to keep warm on the chilly winter nights, and chances are you’ve already had to run your heater more than once this fall. That makes now an excellent time to spot any problems that your heating system may have.

Laymen should never attempt to diagnose a heating problem, much less repair one. Heating systems are complex and contain potentially dangerous components such as gas lines. Determining the exact cause of an issue, much less fixing it, requires formal training and licensing from the state. That doesn’t mean you can’t spot the signs that something is wrong, however, and call in a trained technician to deal with the issue. Generally speaking, anything that doesn’t match your heater’s normal functioning is cause for concern. However, there are several common symptoms that recur across a wide variety of problems. The next time you turn your heating system on, watch for these specific issues, which can include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Unable to Turn On. This is an obvious sign, for obvious reasons, and it’s actually not the worst thing that can happen to your heater. Modern systems have safety features that prevent you from activating them if there’s a gas leak or a similar issue. It alerts you to the problem and keeps you safe until you can call a repair service. Lack of power can also be caused by a power overload or something with the thermostat settings, both of which you should check before calling in repair service.
  • Lack of Air Flow. Clogged filters, fan motor issues, crimps in the ducts and similar issues can reduce the flow of hot air through your home. That means the heater must work harder to do its job, raising your monthly rates and the strain on the rest of the system as well. Even worse, it means that hot air is often trapped in the furnace, which can cause further damage to individual components.
  • Low Heat Levels. Cold air blowing out of your heater is an obvious problem, but it’s also a problem if the air is warm but not quite as warm as you expect. It can be caused by anything from clogged burners to a breach in the ducts. Like the lack of airflow, it forces the heater to work harder than it should.
  • Strange Noises. A number of problems are accompanied by odd noises such as cracks, groans, rattles, hums, and the like. In most cases, they will stop and start in time with the starting and the stopping of your heating system. You’ve likely become accustomed to the sounds your heater makes when it turns on, making it easier to spot noises that “don’t belong.”

If you need heating repair services in Austin, TX, call on the pros at Intelligent Air Services today!