The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that can be deadly if not detected early. It is produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, propane, and oil. CO poisoning can happen in any home or building, regardless of age or condition. In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of carbon monoxide and provide useful tips to prevent CO poisoning.


Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when a person inhales too much CO. The gas enters the bloodstream and binds to hemoglobin, reducing the amount of oxygen that can be carried to the body’s tissues. Symptoms of CO poisoning can be similar to the flu, including headache, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. In severe cases, CO poisoning can cause unconsciousness, brain damage, and death.


The best way to prevent CO poisoning is to install a carbon monoxide detector on every level of your home or building. CO detectors should be placed near sleeping areas and at least 15 feet away from fuel-burning appliances. It is also important to have your HVAC system inspected and maintained by a professional HVAC contractor, such as Intelligent Air Services, LLC (iAir). Regular maintenance can help ensure that your heating system is functioning properly and not producing dangerous levels of CO.

Other tips to prevent CO poisoning include:

  • Never use a generator, charcoal grill, or other fuel-burning devices inside your home or garage.
  • Do not leave your car running in an enclosed space, such as a garage.
  • Have your chimney and fireplace inspected and cleaned annually.
  • Check your fuel-burning appliances, such as water heaters and stoves, for proper ventilation and exhaust.


If you suspect CO poisoning, leave the area immediately and call 911. Do not open windows or doors to ventilate the area, as this can spread the gas throughout your home or building. Seek medical attention right away, even if you do not have symptoms.


Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious and potentially deadly issue that affects millions of people each year. By understanding the dangers of CO and taking steps to prevent it, you can help keep yourself and your family safe. If you need help with your HVAC system or want to learn more about carbon monoxide, contact Intelligent Air Services, LLC (iAir) today. Our team of experts can provide you with the information and services you need to ensure your home is safe and comfortable.