What to Do in an Air Conditioning Emergency

An air conditioning emergency is defined as any situation when your air conditioner either shuts down unexpectedly or experiences such a serve operational problem that you can’t continue to run it safely. The issue isn’t so much with the air conditioner itself—which you can and should shut off the moment you experience any issues. No, the problem is how to keep your house cool in the middle of our scorching Round Rock, TX summers. A lack of air conditioning could be a serious threat to your health, especially if you have elderly family members in the house or those sensitive to the heat. Once you’ve checked for a simple solution to the problem (such as a triggered circuit breaker or a thermostat that’s been accidentally turned off) and have called for an air conditioning repair service, here are some simple steps to help keep cool.

  1. Get everyone inside and refrain from opening any outside doors or windows unless you absolutely have to. Every time you do, you heat the home up a little more.
  2. Stay on the ground floor of your home, or even the basement if yours is clean. Warm air rises and the upper stories of your home will get hotter faster than the lower stories.
  3. Close the shades for any windows that are letting sunlight into your home. It will keep your house from warming up faster than it should.
  4. Run the fan if you have one and get the air circulating. It will help you feel cooler.
  5. Avoid unnecessary activity, and refrain from running any electronic devices that could generate heat. Stick to quiet activities like reading or maybe playing a board game if you have enough people in the home with you.

Call Intelligent Air Services to get your faulty air conditioner repaired quickly and efficiently.