When to Replace an Older Air Conditioner

Air conditioners are designed to last for many years, and with proper care and maintenance, you can stretch that timetable much further. But sooner or later every system needs to be replaced, and with our summers longer and hotter than ever, you may be forced to make that decision in the middle of a blazing heatwave. The question of replacement is usually triggered by a repair call, though that’s not always the case. 

Only the homeowner can determine when the time has come to replace an older air conditioner with a new one. We usually recommend doing so in the spring, before the weather gets too hot, so you can take advantage of the improved efficiency and similar benefits of a new system. Making the decision now usually stems from a sudden breakdown or similar issues related to cost. Depending on the age of the system, repairs should entail careful consideration of how much longer the existing system is going to last. There are a few key factors that can help you make that decision.


In almost every case of trouble with your air conditioner, you should opt to repair any problem instead of replacing the system if the warranty is still in effect, That covers the original parts to the air conditioner, which cuts down on the costs associated with repairs a great deal, leaving you with just the labor to pay for in many cases.

Even if the warranty has expired, it may be more efficient and economical to simply repair the damage and let the air conditioner keep running, at least until the summer is over and you have time to plan for a proper replacement. If, however, the warranty has expired and costs are climbing higher than you think they should, that combination may be enough to merit the installation of a new system.


Excessive costs associated with an older air conditioner tend to come in one of two forms, which may help determine whether you repair or replace the system:

  • Repairs: Obviously, if a single repair costs more than you think the system is worth, you’re better off investing the money in a new system instead of sinking it into an older one. But smaller repairs can be a sign of trouble too, especially if they arrive on top of the other. Generally speaking, if your warranty has expired and you face more than two repair calls in a single 12-month period, you might be better off with a new system instead of an old one.
  • Monthly Costs: As air conditioners get older, they become less efficient, and while regular maintenance slows that process down, nothing really lasts forever. There might not be anything specifically wrong with your air conditioner, but if monthly costs are getting out of hand–or worse, those costs are accompanied by a breakdown and repair call–then you might be well-advised to get a new system installed in order to ease the pressure off of your monthly budget.

For quality repairs and replacement services in the Manor, TX area, call Intelligent Air Services today!