A New Air Cleaner Will Help Stop Those Allergies

Spring is coming faster than you may think here in Round Rock, TX, and that means that allergy season is almost on top of us again. If you have sensitive family members who suffer from allergies or similar conditions, now is the time to make your home a little cleaner and safer. Electronic air cleaners and UV lights can help you clean up your home and reduce the risk of those panicky moments when the sneezes start to come. Here’s a brief breakdown of how they work.


Electronic air cleaners work best for those with dust allergies or dander allergies. They work by ionizing the particles in the air as they pass through your ductwork when you are running your heater or air conditioner. The ionized particles then stick to the sides of a collection pan, removed from circulation. They’re efficient because they’re very thorough—no particle is too small to escape its attention—and while the collection pan needs to be cleaned, it doesn’t take nearly the time or effort required to clean or replace the less effective air filters in your home.


UV air cleaners can be used on their own or in conjunction with an electronic air filter. They focus more on biological contaminants: germs, bacteria, dust mites, and other creepy crawlies in the air. The UV light kills them as they pass through the duct system and gradually scrubs the air clean whenever you run your heater and air conditioner. They don’t require much servicing beyond periodically changing the bulb, and the protection they provide to sensitive members of your family can’t be beaten.

If you have someone in your home suffering from allergies, asthma, or a similar condition, give the professionals at Intelligent Air Services a call to install an indoor air quality product for you!