Common Problems with Heat Pumps This Season

Austin, TX is an ideal place for a heat pump, which combines the effects of a heater and an air conditioner into one single unit. Heat pumps work well in areas with mild winters like ours, but which still need a reliable heating source for the occasional cold day in the winter months. They can…

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Get Your Heater Ready for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is here, and Christmas will be here before you know it. Here in Austin, TX, homeowners are preparing food and getting ready to welcome friends and relatives over for the holidays. The last thing you need to worry about is a heating system experiencing problems or even one that isn’t as efficient as you…

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Don’t Wait to Get Your Ducts Sealed

A breach in your ducts can be caused by any number of things, from seals between two pieces becoming loose to damage caused by animals or other external issues. It may not sound like much, but in point of fact it can end up costing you a great deal. The good news is that there’s…

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3 Benefits Offered by Humidifiers

When winter comes to the Austin area, dry air usually comes with it. The moisture in the air coalesces as the temperature falls, a tendency that gets compounded by homes that are buttoned up tight to keep in the heat. Whenever the air gets too dry, significant problems follow in their wake, and those problems…

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What Does a Heating Service Call Entail?

Now is the perfect time of year to schedule a service call for your heater. The fall has arrived here in Austin, TX, and while our winters are short, there are still plenty of chilly nights where you’ll be grateful for a reliable heater. A maintenance visit by a trained professional at least once a year can…

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3 Reasons to Call Emergency Repair

A good repair service knows that you can’t limit breakdowns to the working day, which is why we offer 24-hour emergency service to homeowners throughout the greater Austin TX, area. But many homeowners would prefer to hold on until morning (or Monday) to get their system repaired. In some cases, that’s the smart call, since you might…

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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Fall has arrived here in Austin TX, and winter won’t be far behind. Now is the time to take a long hard look at your home’s energy efficiency. You can make upgrades and improvements to your home this season that can improve its overall efficiency a great deal. Over time, the saved costs in monthly heating…

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3 Reasons to Replace Your Heater Now

We strongly recommend to all of our clients with failing heating systems that they consider replacing them now, in the fall. Temperatures here in Georgetown, TX are still pretty warm, which means you won’t have need of a heater for a while and can plan the installation according to your schedule, instead of having to rush ahead…

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