Does My Heat Pump Need Maintenance for Winter?

Heat pumps are great for the climate here in Austin. During the heat of the middle of the year, a heat pump is as powerful as the best air conditioning system. When temperatures cool down enough that a house needs a bit of warmth, a heat pump shifts smoothly into heating mode—and uses much less electricity to…

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The Most Important Repair Your Furnace May Need!

During the short winter season when you run your gas furnace, your main concern will be that it works the way it should and provides the heat necessary for household comfort. Safety, however, is another concern. We don’t want to be alarmist and make you think the gas furnace in your house is a constant…

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Is Duct Sealing Beneficial at All?

Unless you live in an older home that doesn’t have any ductwork, you rely daily on the unseen air channels set into the walls and ceilings of your house. Because you can’t see these air ducts, it’s easy for you to forget about them and believe they’ll just take care of themselves. The suggestion of duct…

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The Fall Heat—Watch Out for Your Air Conditioner!

We’re dealing with another hot early fall here in Austin, with days frequently peaking in the 90s. This isn’t good news for your beleaguered air conditioning system, which has already had to deal with a long summer of steady work. This is a time when your AC is most likely to suffer a major malfunction…

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UV Air Purifier Against Cold and Flu Season

There are many reasons to enjoy the fall and winter seasons, especially since Austin doesn’t have to suffer through the intense cold weather of many other parts of the country. But even in our milder weather, we can’t escape the effects of the cold and flu season. Flu shots and other medications are recommended to…

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Our Maintenance Program Is Here for Your Fall HVAC Tune-Up

One of the great advantages of living in Austin is our winter weather. Temperatures cool down, sometimes dropping into the forties during the evenings, but we rarely suffer from any bracing cold spells. Homes, however, still require heating systems to handle the cooler evenings and help with the draftier houses. We assist homes in Austin, TX…

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The Compressor’s Job in Your Air Conditioner

A residential central air conditioning system is an intricate device, and all its components need to work together seamlessly for the AC to keep a house cool without wasting power. It’s fair to say that all the parts of an AC are equally important. But it’s also fair to single out the compressor since the job it…

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End of Summer Heat—Why Can’t Your AC Keep Up?

It’s hot this August in Austin. This can mean bad news for air conditioning systems, since they’ve already done a hefty load of work during the summer, and this end-of-season heat puts them in bigger jeopardy of a breakdown. Our NATE-certified, dependable HVAC technicians are busy with air conditioning repairs in Austin, TX at this time of year to…

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